June 16 to 22, 2024

Hello and welcome. Summer arrived on Friday, but the hot & humid weather came in with a vengeance at the beginning of the week. I’m not complaining, but it took a day or two to get used to the humidity again.

Let’s get to the photos of the past week:

June 16 – Sunday Coffee Series

Good morning! It’s 16°C/61°F and sunny—a perfect day to spend outside; the garden is calling! Today’s Starbucks mug is my Georgia mug, with many memories of great times there. It’s Father’s Day, too; what are you up to today? Cheers!

“People come and go, but fathers always stay. First in our lives and then in our hearts.”

June 16 – letter ‘a’

“Today is quite simple. Find something that starts with the letter A and photograph it. Or you can find a letter ‘A’ and photograph that. It’s your choice!”

I captured a photo of the renovated Armoury in town, and as a bonus, it resembles the letter ‘a’! How amazing is that? This view is from the back; it now houses multiple individual businesses, including the charming restaurant with the lovely patio you see here.

June 17 – red (colour day)

“Remember the Photographer rule ‘when you see red, photograph it?’ Today is that day! Look for red and show us what you find!”

This adorable red box of notepaper on my desk is one of my favourite things. It has a perfect phrase on the lid that adds a touch of whimsy. To go with it, I found a pair of red pens that complete the scene.

June 18 – group

“Today, take on the challenge. Group 3, 5, or 7 similar things for your photo. Place them on a simple background and play with the arrangement. Shoot from different angles while you’re at it. Which one do you think was the most interesting? If you want, post additional shots in the Comments and ask for feedback. It’s a great way to improve your craft.”

I have a diverse collection of jugs and pitchers. Some are used for wine, some look like chickens, and others are used at the dinner table. All of them have a whimsical touch. In the photo, you can see the jugs that typically sit on my buffet. They have been cleaned and are now waiting to be put back in their place. I took many shots, settled on these two, and played with various filters. The first is my favourite. Which do you like best?

June 19 – flat lay

Walking on the beautiful beaches of Florida, I enjoy finding unique shells. The local beaches are full of interesting rocks. I collect these treasures during my strolls, creating an exciting collection that evokes lovely memories.

June 20 – what I’m reading

Fresh fruits and vegetables are all coming into the farm stand—strawberries are my favourites right now! I’m reading my favourite cookbooks to see if I can find a new way of preparing them, but I will probably stick to the family favourite, strawberry tart. 

June 21 – polka dots

I didn’t have to go far to find some polka dots; they’re in my cupboards, waiting for mealtimes. My dishes have polka dots on them! The pattern features dots around the edges of all plates and bowls, and the bread and butter plates also have dots all over the center of the plates.


“There is burgeoning growth all around. Joy fills the air as all beings celebrate Life. Sap has well and truly risen, and the garden appears to be bursting with kaleidoscopic colour. Solstice marks the high point of the year when all around seems full of exuberance and gratitude. The warming rays of the sun on our backs fill us with blissful contentment. Amid all the frantic activity we find time to pause, and give thanks. Abundance beckons.”

June 22 – off prompt

My day got away from me, so I’m off prompt today. Here is the sun shining through our neighbour’s beautiful salvia, a pleasant surprise after heavy rains that were expected to last all day.

That’s another week completed. Next week brings more hot & humid weather, which, in turn, produces surprise downpours or even thunderstorms. I don’t mind; you don’t have to shovel the rain!

What is on your agenda this week?

Thanks for visiting 🙂

6 thoughts on “June 16 to 22, 2024

  1. Love the A for Armoury, what lovely architecture. Keep calm and carry on was a poster from WW2 made to boost morale in the public, but was somehow rarely displayed in public and forgotten about. A copy was rediscovered in 2000 in my fave book store- Barter’s Books in Alnwick – https://fragglerocking.org/2022/12/11/alnwick-october-2022/ – and the rest is history! Love all the pitchers, the chicken ones are funny, but I can’t choose between the pics,-all good. Great flat lay, you’ve found some beautiful shells and bits and bobs. Strawberyy Tart sounds lovely and a slice with cream served on the polka dot plate would be a lovely summer dessert. Yes, summer is here too, already accidentally sunburned! Have a lovely week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jane! My late father in law was British and that was his favourite phrase…he was almost always very calm. The tart was good great (sorry, no leftovers 😉). Keep your hat and sunscreen handy! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love Salvia the color is just beautiful. Your collection of pitchers remind me a bit of mine. I need to take all of mine down and wash them. The polka dot plates are so adorable. I love polka dots. It has been so hot here as well. Have a wonderful week.

    Liked by 1 person

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